Question: I received a Notice of Federal Tax Lien via certified mail for unpaid back taxes and I’m scared and don’t know what to do. Can you help?
Answer: Yes. A Notice of Federal Tax Lien (NFTL) is public record and is generally filed with the County Recorder where you reside. It is notice to all your other creditors that the IRS has a secured interest in all your real and personal property you have now and acquired in the future.
A federal tax lien will make it very difficult, if not impossible, for you to purchase a home, vehicle and other property on credit. It may also prevent you from accessing the equity in real property you may have built up over the years.
However, the IRS has several different solutions that can resolve your NFTL if you qualify. You can resolve a federal tax lien by paying it in full or if that is not an option you can find out if you qualify for a “Release of Lien”, a “Lien Subordination”, a Lien Discharge” or “Lien Withdrawal”. It is important to keep in mind that IRS problems didn’t just happen overnight and will take some time to resolve. The good news is that generally you won’t have to meet or even speak with the IRS while we’re engaged as representatives. It’s important to consult with a tax resolution professional to see which Lien relief solutions you may be eligible for before the IRS starts enforcing aggressive collection action against you. We can help protect what you have and preserve your rights!!
Weathers & Associates are experts in tax resolution and help taxpayers with their IRS Problems every day.